
Bomber Barn

Bomber Barn

Release Date

January 2020


Available on Steam


Arcade, Party

Game Website


Bomber Barn is a cute and competitive local multiplayer game, endless fun for all ages! Bomb your pals as an adorable animal with unique abilities, blasting through a variety of themed maps designed for tense battles.

Learn more on the Bomber Barn website and play for free!

Our Vision

The inception of Bomber Barn stemmed from the lack of modern PC titles that would let you scratch the Bomberman itch. Your only options (in late 2018) were a few fan games, old 90s games with potential compatibility issues, or emulators.

Of course, a simple clone would’ve been a waste of our creativity. Plus, this was an opportunity to think outside the box and fix some of the pain points of existing games.

At its core, Bomber Barn was built around these pillars:

  • Classic core gameplay
  • Casual-friendly, yet tournament-ready
  • Unique abilities (both passive and active)
  • Interesting maps (ideally with dynamic elements)
  • No stun-locks :)

Stretch goals included a compelling story/campaign mode with bosses.

Bomber Barn proved to be a hit at every event we brought it to: from hardcore gamers to kids, and even their parents!

As the global pandemic hit hard in 2020, we decided to make Bomber Barn completely free to let as many people enjoy the game as possible. We could all use some more bonding time with our friends and family - what better way than through games?